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Sathya Sai Center, Charlotte NC, USA

Main Venue

Sri Sathya Sai Center of Charlotte, North Carolina

meets every sunday at 2 PM

7400 City View Dr, Charlotte, NC 28212

Our Center Activities

Sathya Sai Center Charlotte meets regularly once a week on Sundays for conducting devotional sessions, at which several spiritual activities are conducted. These include, devotional singing, prayers, meditation, study circles on spiritual topics.

There are also special programs for children on Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) also known as ‘Balvikas’.

Service to the community is an integral part of every Sai Center. Along those lines, our center conducts several community service activities on a weekly basis.

We use various venues to accomplish all of the above activities. Please find below the list of all venues and their purpose and other details.


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