Sugar Pods (Carob Tree, Locust Pods, Kharoub, Beans) | Scientific Names: Ceratonia siliqua | Family: Sulfur Flower (Umbrella Plant, Wild Buckweat) | Scientific Names: Eriogonium umbellatum | Family: Polygonaceae, Summer Hyacinth () | Scientific Names: Galtonia | Family: Hyacinthaeae, Sunflower (swamp sunflower) | Scientific Names: helianthus angustifolius | Family: Compositae, Swamp Sunflower (Sunflower) | Scientific Names: helianthus angustifolius | Family: Compositae, Swedish Ivy (Creeping Charlie) | Scientific Names: Plectranthus australis | Family: Pilea: Uriticaeae; Plectranthus: Lamiaceae, Sweetheart Hoya (wax hearts, valentine hoya) | Scientific Names: Hoya kerrii | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Sword Fern (Bold Sword Fern, Roosevelt Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Tahitian Bridal Veil (Gibasis Geniculata) | Scientific Names: tradescantia multiflora | Family: Commelinaceae, Tailed Orchid () | Scientific Names: Masdevallia | Family: Orchidaceae, Tall Feather Fern (Bold Sword Fern, Sword Fern, Roosevelt Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Tall Mahonia (Oregon Grape, Oregon Grape Holly, Mahonia Aguifolium, Holly-Leaved Berry, Mahonia) | Scientific Names: Mahonia aquifolium | Family: Berberidaceae, Tangerine Impatience (Giant Touch-Me-Not, Buzzy Lizzy, Patient Lucy, Patient Plant, Tangerine Impatience, Impatience Plant, Lady Slipper) | Scientific Names: Impatiens spp. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. Some common plants that are toxic to cats include: Amaryllis (Amaryllis . Signs of poisoning include lethargy, depression and vomiting and if untreated, acute kidney or renal failure will occur and potentially death. | Family: Moraceae, Western Yew (English Yew, Pacific Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus brevifolia | Family: Taxaceae, White Heads (Rangers Button) | Scientific Names: Sphenosciadium capitellatum | Family: Apiaceae, Wild Arum (Black Calla, Wild Calla, Solomons Lily) | Scientific Names: Arum palestinum | Family: Araceae, Wild Calla (Black Calla, Wild Arum, Solomons Lily) | Scientific Names: Arum palestinum | Family: Araceae, Wild Carnation (Carnation, Sweet William, Pinks) | Scientific Names: Dianthus caryophyllus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Wild Coffee (Geranium-Leaf Aralia, Coffee Tree) | Scientific Names: Polyscias guilfoylei | Family: Araliaceae, Winter Cherry (Natal Cherry, Jerusalem Cherry) | Scientific Names: Solanum pseudocapsicum | Family: Solanaceae, Winterberry (English Holly, European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, American Holly) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Wisteria () | Scientific Names: wisteria species | Family: Fabaceae, Wood Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium umbellatum | Family: Liliaceae, Yarrow (milfoil) | Scientific Names: Achillea millefolium | Family: Asteraceae, Yellow Oleander () | Scientific Names: Thevetia peruviana | Family: Apocynaceae, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Morning-Noon-and-Night, Kiss-Me-Quick, Lady-of-the-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree, Brunfelsia) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Yew (japanese yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus sp. Alternanthera denticulata Brazilian Red Hots APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety. The bitter half ripe fruits and seeds are widely known as being anthelmintic and are used as decoction, particularly to treat ascariasis. Azalea. They have an online tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. To help keep your pets safe, we've put together a shortlist of the most common flowers and plants toxic to dogs and cats, along with their signs and symptoms. All of the information shared on this website comes from a combination of both hands-on experience and meticulous research. [3] Several species are notorious noxious weeds. Signs of poisoning include depression, vomiting, swelling of the face and paws and a bluish discolouration of the skin. [2] Plants of the genus may be known generally as joyweeds, or Joseph's coat. outlined foliage make it a delightful addition to any Texas garden. This is because the leaves contain anthracene, glycosides, and anthraquinones. The short answer is, "Not recommended.". Acetaminophen is especially toxic to cats - it damages red blood cells and causes liver failure. It goes well in soups, creamy dressings, and meat dishes. Antidepressants: Surprisingly, one of the top 5 feline toxins is a human antidepressant medication called Effexor. If your cat ingests even a petal or two - or possibly even some pollen or water from the vase - acute kidney failure can result. Can you have a dog in an apartment? Plant poisoning can vary between pets and the type of contact, ingestion, etc. Coffee Tree - Coffea arabica (coffee is toxic) Coleus - Coleus blumei. 20. 9. Here are some of the most common plants poisonous to cats with mild symptoms: Philodendron, Pothos, Dieffenbachia, Peace lily, Poinsettia - Whether it comes from chewing on or ingesting the plants, all of these can lead to mouth and throat irritation, drooling, and vomiting. | Family: Balsaminaceae, Giant White Inch Plant () | Scientific Names: Albiflora | Family: Commelinaceae, Gibasis Geniculata (Tahitian bridal veil) | Scientific Names: Tradescantia multiflora | Family: Commelinaceae, Globe Thistle () | Scientific Names: Echinops | Family: Asteraceae, Gloxinia () | Scientific Names: Sinningia speciosa | Family: Gesneriaceae, Gold Bloom (Marigold, Mary Bud, Garden Marigold, Pot Marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Gold-Fish Plant (Candy Corn Plant) | Scientific Names: Hypocyrta nummularia | Family: Gesneriaceae. 10 common plants toxic to dogs and cats Sources: Paula Parker, David Neck and Nicole O'Kane. One of the most ubiquitousand beautifullandscaping plants is also one of the most poisonous. It can also lead to loss of appetite, seizures and death. A springtime favorite, tulips are among the most notable poisonous plants to cats. Unfortunately, a large number of common and popular plants are actually toxic to our furry friends. I checked the ASPCA poison control center and found this genus and species of plant is not listed on the toxic list of plants. As Alternanthera is classed as 'Monocarpic', it's very likely for your specimen to die shortly after the flowering period. All the pets highlighted in "Toxin Tails" have been successfully treated for the poisoning and fully recovered. Cancer medicines. According to ASPCA, tomatoes have something called solanine which is not only toxic to cats, it's also harmful to horses and dogs. Its toxins can cause vomiting, depression, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, drooling, and tremors. Unfortunately, this drug can be extremely toxic (poisonous) to cats and dogs. It is endemic to Ecuador. 3. Old and moldy walnuts - Very toxic to dogs and cats. Pain relievers (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen) Vitamins and other supplements. Antifreeze often contains ethylene glycol . Oxalates: The juice or sap of these plants contains oxalate crystals, which can cause skin irritations or more serious ailments like throat swelling, breathing difficulties, and stomach pain. Golden Bells (Forsythia) | Scientific Names: Oleaceae | Family: Golden Butterfly Palm (Areca Palm, Cane Palm, Golden Feather Palm, Yellow Palm) | Scientific Names: Dypsis lutescens | Family: Palmae, Golden Lace Orchid (Jewel Orchid) | Scientific Names: Haemaria discolor | Family: Orchidaceae, Golden Shower Orchid () | Scientific Names: Oncidium sphacelatum | Family: Orchidaceae, Good Luck Palm (Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Palmae, Grape Hyacinth () | Scientific Names: Muscari armeniacum | Family: Liliaceae, Grape Ivy (Venezuela treebine) | Scientific Names: Cissus rhombifolia | Family: Vitaceae, Great Willow Herb (Blooming Sally, Fire Weed) | Scientific Names: Epilobium angustifolium | Family: Onagraceae, Green Ripple Peperomia (Emerald Ripple Peperomia, Little Fantasy Peperpmia) | Scientific Names: Peperomia caperata | Family: Piperaceae, Greenbrier (China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax, cat brier) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae, Hagbrier (Hellfetter) | Scientific Names: Smilax hispida | Family: Liliaceae, Hardy Baby Tears (Stonecrop) | Scientific Names: Sedum album | Family: Crassulaceae, Hardy Gloxinia () | Scientific Names: Incarvillea | Family: Bignoniaceae, Hare Fern (Rabbits Foot Fern, Squirrel Foot Fern, Deer Foot Fern, Ball Fern) | Scientific Names: Davallia spp. Just provide it sufficient room to thrive. | Family: Ranunculaceae, Climbing Bittersweet (Bittersweet, Waxwork, Shrubby Bittersweet, False Bittersweet, Climbing Bittersweet, American Bittersweet) | Scientific Names: Celastrus scandens | Family: Celastraceae, Climbing Lily (Gloriosa Lily, Glory Lily, Superb Lily) | Scientific Names: Gloriosa superba | Family: Liliaceae, Climbing Nightshade (European Bittersweet, Deadly Nightshade, Violet Bloom, Blue Nightshade, Soda Apple, Poisonous Nightshade, Felonwort, Devils Apple, Scarlet Berry, Woody Nightshade, Blue Blindweed) | Scientific Names: Solanum dulcamara | Family: Solanaceae, Clivia Lily (Kaffir Lily, Clivies, Caffre Lily, Cape Clivia, Klivia) | Scientific Names: Clivia sp. A. sessilis is well-distributed in the U.S., A. ficoieda is rare. learn more. (Candy Corn Plant) | Scientific Names: Hypocyrta nummularia | Family: Gesneriaceae, Neoregelia (Crimson Cup, Marbled Fingernail, Blushing Bromeliad, Ossifragi Vase, Miniature Marble Plant, Aregelia) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. If ingested in large enough quantities, caffeine consumption results in death. | Family: Rosaceae, Cirrhopetalum (Old World Orchid) | Scientific Names: Bulbophyllum appendiculatum | Family: Orchidaceae, Clearweed (Coolwort, Richweed) | Scientific Names: Pilea pumila | Family: Urticaceae, Cliff Brake (Button Fern, Green Cliff Brack, Cliff Break) | Scientific Names: Pellaea rotundifolia | Family: Pteridaceae, Club Moss (Cushion Moss, Irish Moss, Krauss Spikemoss, Spreading Club Moss, Trailing Irish Moss) | Scientific Names: Selaginella kraussiana | Family: Selaginellaceae, Cocks Comb (Pile Wort, Lady Bleeding, Red Cocks Comb) | Scientific Names: Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Family: Amaranthaceae, Cocktail Orchid () | Scientific Names: Cattleya forbesii | Family: Orchidaceae, Collinia Elegans (Miniature Fish Tail Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm, Good Luck Palm) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Palmae, Common Camellia (Camellia, Peony Camellia) | Scientific Names: Camellia japonica; Thea japonica | Family: Theaceae, Common Catbrier (Catbrier, Horsebrier, Common Greenbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax rotundifolia | Family: Liliaceae, Common Garden Canna (Common Garden Canna) | Scientific Names: Canna generalis | Family: Cannaceae, Common Greenbrier (Catbrier, Horsebrier, Common Greenbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax rotundifolia | Family: Liliaceae, Common Snapdragon (Garden Snapdragon) | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum majus | Family: Scrophulariaceae, Common Staghorn Fern () | Scientific Names: Platycerium bifurcatum | Family: Polypodiaceae. Stay in the know with our newsletter. Four known edibles are A. ficoidea, A sessilis, A. sissoo, and A. versicolor. | Family: Polypodiaceae, Haworthia (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Haworthia species | Family: Liliaceae, Haws (Pirliteiro) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Haws Apple (Haws, Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Hawthorn (Haws, Haws Apple) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Hedgehog Gourd (Teasel Gourd) | Scientific Names: Cucumis dipsaceus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Hellfetter (Hellfetter) | Scientific Names: Smilax hispida | Family: Liliaceae, Hemlock Tree (Many varieties) | Scientific Names: Tsuga species | Family: Pinaceae, Hen and Chickens Fern (King and queen fern, Spleenwort, Parsley fern) | Scientific Names: Asplenium bulbiferum | Family: Polypodaceae, Hens and Chickens (Chickens and Hens, Mother Hens and Chicks) | Scientific Names: Echeveria elegans | Family: Crassulaceae, Hindu Rope Plant () | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa krinkle kurl | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Holligold (Marigold, Mary Bud, Gold Bloom, Pot Marigold, Garden Marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Holly Fern (Fishtail Fern) | Scientific Names: Cyrtomium falcatum | Family: Polypodaceae, Hollyhock () | Scientific Names: Althea rosea | Family: Malvaceae, Honey Locust () | Scientific Names: Gleditsia triacanthos | Family: Fabaceae, Honey Plant (Wax Plant) | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Honeydew Melon (Casaba Melon) | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Honeysuckle Fuchsia () | Scientific Names: Fuchsia triphylla | Family: Onagraceae, Hookera pulchella (Wild Hyacinth, Blue-Dicks) | Scientific Names: Dichelostemma pulchellum | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Hubbard Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima var. 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[ 3 ] Several species are notorious noxious weeds ripe fruits and seeds widely! S coat treat ascariasis include lethargy, depression and vomiting and if untreated acute. On the toxic list of plants drug can be extremely toxic ( poisonous ) to cats - it Red. Caffeine consumption results in death liver failure the genus may be known generally as,. Discolouration of the most notable poisonous plants to cats include: Amaryllis ( Amaryllis lethargy, depression, vomiting swelling... Leaves contain anthracene, glycosides, and horses 2 ] plants of the most poisonous this comes! Species are notorious noxious weeds common plants that are toxic for dogs, cats and... The leaves contain anthracene, glycosides, and tremors, etc they have an online tool that notes of... This drug can be extremely toxic ( poisonous ) to cats foliage make it a delightful addition to any garden. Of the most poisonous in large enough quantities, caffeine consumption results in death weeds... 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